Home Workouts - Bodyweight
Here is what to expect over the 4 week program:
Starting February 7th for 4 weeks.
Every week you will receive 4 workouts, 1x upper body workout, 1x lower body workout, 2x Conditioning/HIIT workouts. All workouts, check in's and measurements, video demonstrations will be delivered via an App on your phone.
4x Workouts Per Week
1x Recovery Session (Mobility/Stretching/Foam Rolling)
Progress Diary - track your measurements, fill in a diary, etc (all optional).
- Goal Setting Workbook
Online Support 24/7
Recipe Pack (15 Recipes)
Facebook Accountability Group
All this is normally $75! This weekend only get yours for $52.50!!
Grab your spot while you can! Download available that will have your recipe pack, progress diary and important forms including next steps if you decided to sign up.
30 Days of hard work, are you in?..
Download available after purchase
- Can I do the workouts at home?
Yes, you can do the workouts anywhere! You do not need a gym. Just a small space you can workout in.
- Do I have to do the workouts at a certain time?
No, you complete the given workout in your own time.
- What if there is an exercise on my program I cannot do?
Leanne has completed variations for each exercise to help any level of fitness. There are beginner, intermediate and advanced options to each exercise.
- Are the recipes set for 1 person or a whole household?
The recipes are set for 1 person, so if there are two of you wanting to follow the plan then you would need to double up on some of the shopping to match this. Some of the recipes also serve up to 4 people, this is handy for having leftovers the next day. E.G. If it serves 2 please only eat half of that meal.
- Some of the recipes are high in fat, will this affect my results?
No, these are good fats. Usually when a meal is high in fat it is lower in carbs/protein.
- What can I do after I complete the program?
You have a few options and Leanne will contact you with regards to the next steps if you wish to take them.
- Who can complete this program?
Honestly, anyone. Leanne has worked hard to make sure all the workouts are achievable for every level. Video demonstrations, timers and instructions available for all workotus making it very simple for you.